
Firefly Scout

Heart-to-Head: A Candy Inspired Conversation

Guiding you toward remembering your magic

Live a life that lights you up

If you feel the nudge to explore what your heart is trying to tell you, click here to be the first to know about my upcoming guide.

Hi Reader!

I saw someone share a photo of these TV themed conversation hearts and-

1) it made me wish there was a Gilmore girls version of them and brainstormed a list with my GG friends group chat.

2) I realized it was a good time to have a conversation with my own heart.

Heart to Head

Now that we are halfway to spring (and the ever knowing Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring), it has felt like a good heart-to-head conversation was needed.

The universe conspired with me and had my usual Monday accountability call cancel, the kids were on campus, husband was out of town and I had the whole house to myself (well me and the dog anyway).

I grabbed my journal, tea, and queued up a playlist in my earbuds and started writing.

I let my heart lead the conversation.

I wrote about the feeling of possibility in the air, reaffirming that this is THE year everything clicks in my swirl of ideas.

I wrote about my feeling of purpose and why this work is so important, so inevitable for me.

I wrote and mapped out the purpose of each idea and how it links to the next, expand on each other and what gaps need exploring.

And then I started to literally map it out.

Combining words and icons and arrows on the page because I know that having a visual to convey what I can't quite get into words is immensely helpful to me.

And gives me a reference for my head to follow the dreams on my heart.

Follow Your Heart

Now that I have more clarity on what exactly is on my heart and a map to reference, it's time for action.

I'm using my Heart Intention Tracker (freebie here) to take aligned action toward these dreams.

This looks like-

  • setting a heart-based intention
  • naming what actions align with it
  • tracking the actions
  • noticing and collecting evidence of progress

It is a simple, visual accountability practice that helps me follow what my heart aches for.

It's less about streaking, but ultimately leading me toward sustainably living a more heart-driven life. One that grows my glow with every belief-building, consistently aligned step of action.

When is the last time you had a heart to head conversation? What hopes, dreams, wishes, needs would it share with you? What holds you back from really listening... and taking action?

Reader, I hope my inspired action sparks something in you today.

Follow that up and download the Heart Intention free printable.

And if you have ever wanted-

  • deep insight into the truest sense of yourself
  • to understand the nuances of how you show up best in this life
  • the confident knowing of THE purpose your heart is drawn to

I'm opening up a new offer.

If you dare to take this journey with me, click here.

Here's to listening to our hearts!

p.s. my friend at Hey Weegs created this very funny conversation heart card and wanted to make sure you saw it!

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3906 Baldwin Rd, #210261, Auburn Hills, MI 48321
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Firefly Scout

Dare to show up for yourself and start living a life that lights you up. Each week I guide you on your journey through easy to try tools and tips to fuel your curiosity, take inspired action and fulfill the dreams in your heart.

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