
Firefly Scout

Glow Brighter with Personal Lists: Uncover Your True Self

Guiding you toward remembering your magic

Live a life that lights you up

Pair All You Bring To The Table and the Firefly Scout Illumination Kit, use code ALLYOUBRING10 for $10 off through 11/8/23.

Hi Reader!

I write a lot of things down. Like a lot lot.

Notes about ideas or things I want to remember.

Notes about the books I read (currently How To Think Like a Rocket Scientist).

I even write down quotes and turns of phrase in my fiction reads.

And of course journaling.

So it follows that when I want to remember important things about myself... you guessed it... I write them down.

Write it Down

As we kick off this month of remembering All You Bring To The Table, we are starting with the simple list.

Start with a paper and pen, and start writing down things about yourself.

Things you like and don't like, things you want more and less of in your life.

Capture the littlest things as well the big elephants in the room, errr... mind.

Write them down into different quadrants on your paper, or word-blurt whatever comes out and then sort it out later.

I go into more detail in this journal entry.

Each of these start to shine a light on who you really are, what you value, where your dreams are guiding you and what lights you up.

Together they start to help you recognize all that you bring to the table.

Know Yourself

You carry so much potential, gifts and heart-driven dreams inside of you and it is vitally important, more now than ever to recognize and start to get a clearer picture of who you really are.

Knowing the things that make you, you is a foundational element of living a life that lights you up.

Having them as an accessible list makes it easy to remind yourself and add to it.

Because the more you know, the more you glow.

Lists for Self-Awareness

Listen to our conversation about how I used journaling and lists to start to follow my dreams.

Separately, they may seem like a bit of a random potluck.

But when you start to see them together, unseen connections appear, dots start to connect, and we start to tell ourselves a different story.

Suddenly you don't just have macaroni and cheese, you have Pasta a la Sookie.

What things are you sensing would go on your lists? How much do they show up in your life? What is something small that you 'like' or want more of and make happen this week? Take some moments to make your lists this week and see what small changes you can start to make.

Reader, what are some things you would put on your list right now? Pause right now, take a breath and notice something, anything.

Is it something you want more of, less of? Do you like it, not like it?

The world is never that black and white, but within the shades of grey, let's start to notice what adds a bit of color to our lives.

Knowing these things about ourselves will really start to shine a light for our journey ahead and grow the glow within ourselves.

It's not too late- If you are interested in a personalized journey of tapping to the power of self-recognition to navigate life form both your mind and spirit, there is still time to join me on a personalized journey to collect more dots about yourself. Learn more here.

Start making those lists!

p.s. this reminder stuck out to me and felt I needed to share with you.

p.p.s. if you are wanting to know more of All You Bring To The Table and have been eyeing the Illumination Kit, use code ALLYOUBRING10 for $10 off through 11/8/23.

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Firefly Scout

Dare to show up for yourself and start living a life that lights you up. Each week I guide you on your journey through easy to try tools and tips to fuel your curiosity, take inspired action and fulfill the dreams in your heart.

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