
Firefly Scout

Days Since Last Accident: Zero

Guiding you toward remembering your magic

Live a life that lights you up

Welp Reader!

It has now been about 5 days since I peed my pants.

I mean it happens a little from time to time. An ill-timed sneeze, a surprise dog yank on the leash, a regrettable pop on the trampoline (and reminder to bump maybe finally taking those pelvic floor exercises seriously)

But this was a laughing so heartily it created an "oops I peed my pants" moment.

I haven't laughed that hard since Sheng Wang nailed the true existential clothes shopping moment.


Our (large) puppy gets SO excited when we get home and let him out of his crate. He makes his rounds to energetically say hi to everyone and get some loves like we were gone for days instead of a couple hours.

We were heading home from dinner and my oldest had the idea of all of us hiding before we let him out of his crate.

Now this is where some days, you don't want to deal with shenanigans about the "rules" your kids set for getting into the house... but we decided to play along.

I hide behind a chair cushion, my husband on the couch under a blanket and the kids under the floor cushions, leaping into place after the open the crate.

Pup makes his rounds all confused and hops up on the chair and just goes BANANAS with love when he discovers I'm there, trying to pin me down and smother me with doggie licks.

And that's when the giggles kick in.

They escalate when he tries to scale the side of sofa arm, his big hind legs pumping, just trying to get traction so he can launch himself onto the sofa and continue his love-extravaganza.

I have to not look because the full on body laughing (and releasing) escalates to a coughing fit, which only furthers the pants-wetting situation.

I'm practically dying but CAN'T. LOOK. AWAY.

So why am I telling you this?

I'm sharing my pants wetting moment to remind you that sometimes you need to put aside your adulting mindset and follow the whims of an ever enthusiastic 9-year-old and go hide behind the pillow while you wait for a puppy to smother you with I-missed-you-so-much-I-love-you-so-much-I-pounce-on-you doggy kisses.

Or whatever version of this shows up in your home.

Because it is so easy to feel the overwhelm of the day, the pressure of the to-do's and the all-doneness you feel in the moments before bedtime.

Do You Dare?

This week I dare you to be on the lookout for moments where you can do something silly.

Where you can tap into the spirit of play.

Where you can create a moment that becomes a memory.

And be overwhelmed with that warm feeling bursting from your heart (feeling that other kind of warm feeling is not required)

What makes you LOL? How did it feel when your funny bone was truly tickled and you succumbed full-bodied laughter in the moment?

Reader, I hope my story gave you a chuckle.

This moment is definitely going on my More List. If you want a guide to help you have more moments that make you pee your pants (or more of the ones that make you feel like you are living a life that lights you up), check out my More/Less List Magic free printable.

Here's to finding moments of fun and magic in the middle of everyday life!

p.s. know someone who needs a reminder to add more play their day, or could be your partner-in-play? Forward this email and brighten their inbox!

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Firefly Scout

Dare to show up for yourself and start living a life that lights you up. Each week I guide you on your journey through easy to try tools and tips to fuel your curiosity, take inspired action and fulfill the dreams in your heart.

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